Having an insurance Agent is super important!

Having an insurance Agent is super important!     Mary l Bodnar      9/24/21

Having your own personal insurance agent looking out for you personally whether it is for your home or auto or your commercial insurance is vitally important. Look out for these fast-track low quality online pop-up insurance companies that have been steadily emerging for quite some time. They don’t know who you are and they don’t care. You are just a number to them and they know nothing about you and they don’t care. They claim to provide insurance on just about anything that is cheaper, faster and claim to do it more efficiently than the so-called traditional way, that is - not through an Agent and not through an established insurance carrier.

The scary thing about these online conglomerates is that who really is on the other end of the line? Not an experienced agent that knows who you are and asks about work and what you did over the weekend. The person on the other end of the line is just pushing for numbers and playing the numbers game. Is that the kind of mentality you want taking care of your most important assets? Your home, your investment properties, your autos, your business? I don’t think so. Many times, when clients come to us that have had trouble with these types of companies, we look at their policies and see many vital things wrong or not properly insured at all.

Also, the insurance industry as a whole is very complex. Heck, we do it every day and its hard to keep up with all the innovations, changes, requirement and laws in the insurance industry in the USA. But we make it a point to know it. Consumers not educated cant not be expected to pick and choose for themselves what type of insurance they want. Yet, that is how these online faceless companies are driving – driverless – by putting you in charge, not them. No offense but you don’t really know enough to decide the exact coverages and limits that you need. In this scenario, the customer decides and defines what their needs are and simply selects what they think they need covered - online. Without even talking to an agent sometimes.  Yikes!

We know our business. We are focused exclusively on you.  There will always be a need for competent, qualified insurance professionals who help our clients sort through the maze of options to cover all their needs. That’s our role. We are licensed and experienced and have been in this noble line of work for 34 years. Nothing to sneeze at. Insurance is an extremely dynamic and ever-changing business environment. Trust your insurance to the experts – us - Gordon Tower Insurance! Call us today for a free consultation -216/663-7777. Oh, and by the way – did I mention we answer our phones? You will not be talking to a robot and going into a endless voice recorded loop.

In addition, as Independent Agents, we are always taking about how important it that as Independent Agents we represent you, not the insurance carrier. As independent Agents (not captive Agents) we represent like 10 different insurance carriers, so we can shop you around to find the best coverage to fit your personalized needs as well as the best price for that particular customized coverage.

We are proud of what we do. Importance of having appropriate and adequate coverage is key to protecting you and yours in the event of a claim or catastrophe.. We know that the direction and assistance of an insurance professional (us!) is necessary. We assist clients with what they don’t know and help them fully understand what they think they do know.


Happy Valentine’s day from Gordon Tower Insurance Agency!


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